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Pre-v1 Comparison

Prior to the official v1 release of Iodine (and specifically, going back from the 1a1333e39dafeebfe429c54b8471346ffcaf2bbc commit and earlier in the codebase), Iodine had a lot of differences with the current design. So much so, that it might be fair to consider it as a completely different library.

For historical reasons, and in case you are one of the few people who read some of the pre-v1 version of Iodine's documentation or code-base, this section of the documentation exists to motivate some of the breaking API changes that led to where Iodine is today.

Original Implementation

Originally, a lot of the design of Iodine was influenced by some ideas I had of how to implement a declarative UI framework on top of vanilla Android (i.e. View) based UIs. The basic idea was to define an interface for "typed components" (somewhat inspired by the Halogen library), together with various utilities for combining and composing said components into more complex UIs. This looked something like:

interface Component<E, A, B> {
    val view: View
    val events: Flow<E>
    fun onSetValue(newValue: A)
    fun getValue(): B

This is great if raw View-based UIs are all you have, and allows you to do a lot of cool things very succinctly, especially when combined with other parts of the library like tools (asynchronous UI-modifying workflows that let you easily compose things like sequences of alert dialogs), or with things like arrow-optics, which then lets you build up components with incredibly flexible data binding operations, and is incredibly useful for removing a lot of the boilerplate around building up complex data entry forms.

Some of these advantages (such as both the ease of building up complex data entry forms, as well as composing asynchronous UI-modifying workflows) went beyond raw compose, so I decided to try to implement this idea on top of Jetpack Compose instead of Android Views -- this was the initial idea behind the initial implementation of Iodine, /Users/nathan/Code/Iodine-gh-pages/docs/additional/pre-v1_comparison.mdand the Components there were essentially the same as the Android View-based version, but with the View swapped out for a composable function:

interface Component<E, A, B> {
    fun contents()

    val events: Flow<E>
    fun onSetValue(newValue: A)
    fun getValue(): StateFlow<B>

Eventually I realized that this design didn't really take full advantage of everything compose had to offer -- and didn't really seem to integrate well into the existing compose ecosystem. Wrappers like iodineApplication had to be used, Iodine components and other composable functions couldn't be easily mixed. So despite the aforementioned advantages, it wasn't very great.

The New Approach

It turns out, making use of all that compose has to offer rather than just using an @Composable function as a drop-in replacement for View, this interface can be simplified considerably. For instance, onSetValue can be replaced by adding an A parameter to the composable, and getValue is unnecessary, because we can just return a value of type B from the composable.

This also has the advantage (much like Bow Arch, which Iodine also takes inspiration from) of allowing us to call Iodine components directly from regular composable functions (via the contents composable), thus making Iodine much less "opinionated", and letting us eschew the need for "special" functions like iodineApplication.